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Friday, June 5, 2020

The Character I Hated

One guess who forgot her post last month? Yes, it was me. Sigh. My posts are due the first Friday of each month. Last month I suddenly realized late on the first day of May "Wait a minute. Today is the first Friday of the month." So, to make sure I don't do that again, I'm writing this post well in advance of the due date.

I'm super excited that Dances with Werewolves, the newest entry in my Kudzu Korners sweet paranormal romance series is now live! You can see the details HERE.

Livia did a wonderful job on the cover!
Sydney Hall is the heroine of Dances with Werewolves and readers and I both met her for the first time in Dial V for Vampire, the first book in the series. I worked on the first draft of Dial V one year during NaNoWriMo. My husband made it a point to check in with me every day and ask what was going on in my story. One of our conversations went something like this:

Hubby: "So, what's going on in your story?"

Me: "I really hate my main character's best friend."

Hubby: *blinks* "What do you mean you hate her? You created her!"

Me: "Yes, but that doesn't mean I like her." (Writer brain completely baffles my husband.)

Not only did I not like Sydney upon our first meeting, I pretty much detested her. This was a problem because I knew she was supposed to be the heroine in Dances with Werewolves. How could I expect the hero to fall in love with her if I couldn't even like her? Fortunately it turned out that once I got to know Sydney a little bit better and understood why she was the way she was, I liked her just fine. Crisis averted!

I guess even in the world of fiction it pays to get to know someone before judging their actions. Who knew? #lessonlearned

Until next month, take care and keep reading!

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  1. Characters you dislike have so much potential. They can become even more evil/annoying/ridiculous, or they can have a turnaround no one sees coming.
    Congratulations on the new book!

  2. I like when a villain has a back story, especially if there is a plan to make them a hero/heroine in a future story. I also like when I see a villain display a kind act somewhere that says, "they aren't completely unredeemable."
    All the best with Dances With Werewolves, Isabella. Love the catchy title.
