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Monday, April 27, 2020

Nostalgic food from childhood by Kaye Spencer #nostalgicfood #homemadepizza #firestarpress

Anyone else remember having Appian Way Pizza when they were a kid? Appian Way was my first exposure to pizza. This would have been in the mid-1960s. 

My mom made it on Friday nights or special occasions, such as for Halloween supper. When I was old enough to not make a total mess in the kitchen, I enjoyed spreading out the dough. It was such a treat.

The grocery store in my little town doesn't carry Appian Way Pizza, so I bought a two-pack on Amazon for a ludicrous price, but what can I say? I can't put a price on childhood memories. 'wink'

It rolled out just as I remembered - the oil on the pizza pan made the dough slippery and resistant to smooshing-out, but it was every bit as fun to do now as it was all those years ago. It certainly wasn't as tasty as my taster-memory recalled, but it wasn't a complete culinary disappointment, either.

When you've revisited foods from your childhood, has your taster-memory been disappointed or was the food as good as you remember?

Until next time,
Kaye Spencer

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  1. Thanks, Kaye, for the memory prompt. How fun! No we never had Appian Way pizza. My grandmother would not have approved. We lived with her, and she had very strict thoughts about what we should eat. Meat (which I hated), potatoes, vegetable. She made a lot of cakes, however, which totally redeemed her in my eyes. Angle food cake would be the one I remember from childhood. That and gingerbread.

  2. Mollie,

    Angel food cake is my favorite. That was 'birthday cake' in my family. lolol
