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Monday, January 25, 2021

Chicago Lightning - historical romantic suspense novel by Kaye Spencer #romanticsuspense #prairierosepubs #StValentinesDayMassacre


CHICAGO LIGHTNING - my latest historical novel - is a romantic suspense that begins with the St. Valentine's Day Massacre in Chicago. While there are plenty of facts about what happened at 2122 North Clark Street on the morning of February 14, 1929, there is no end to the unanswered questions, endless theories, and intriguing possibilities surrounding this infamous event.

On February 10th, a mere 16 days from now, and just in time for the 92nd anniversary of the St. Valentine's Day Massacre, Chicago Lightning will release through Prairie Rose Publications/Fire Star Press.

I have daily articles planned for each day between now and February 14th. The topics are related to all things Roaring Twenties, 1920s gangsters, Prohibition, and much more.

These brief articles will be available on my blog, and I will post them at my home on Facebook.

For now, here is the book video for Chicago Lightning.

For those of you reading from your phones, you probably don't see the video. Here is the direct link to YouTube:

Chicago Lightning by Kaye Spencer

Until next time,
Kaye Spencer

Look for Kaye here:


Image of woman with pizza: CanStock (4774344sean)


  1. Oh, how I loved this story! A wonderful heroine and hero and the sizzle just about sets the pages on fire. LOL I'm glad you're doing this series of blog posts. This is an era I really don't know that much about and I truly enjoyed learning and picturing the events that happened. That's a killer trailer, too, Kaye. You really did a great job on that!

    1. Thank you, Cheryl. This story began many years ago as a NaNoWriMo story. It's undergone many rewrites since then.

      I'm not an expert on the Roaring Twenties or the St. Valentine's Day Massacre by any means, but it is a period in history that fascinates me, and I've read a great deal about it.

      I'll share tidbits, trivia, pictures, teaser lines and dialogue from the story, recipes, and such.

  2. Congrats on the release, Kaye. Sounds wonderful!

  3. What an intriguing period of history! So much rich detail to be uncovered. I love the premise of your story, and look forward to reading your articles.

    1. Becky,

      I promise to keep the articles short and more of Did You Know? and On this Day and that sort of thing.

      Thanks for stopping in.

  4. Kaye, Chicago Lightning sounds to be a winner and full of excitement. Looking forward to a great read. Wishing you much success, and it's sure to be. Your video is awesome--I couldn't control the volume, so had to turn the music off, but gosh I wish I had your talent to do a trailer. Awesome. I look forward to a great read.

    1. Thanks, Bev. Some 10-ish years ago, I taught college speech. One of the required speeches students gave was a demonstration speech. I nudged one of the students to demonstrate how to use Windows Movie Maker, because my ulterior motive was I wanted to learn how to use it. After that, it was a matter of practice.

      Thanks for stopping by.

  5. I can't wait to see what you do with this story and timeframe. So excited. Of course, growing up in IL., it's part of my DNA. (Smile) Doris

    1. Doris,

      The story begins on February 14, 1929 and ends around midnight two days later. It's a fast-paced, Chicago-gangster shoot-'em-up and chase 'em across country to the big show down at the end.

      HAHA Yes, I'll bet you grew up with all sorts of Chicago history stories.

      Thanks for stopping in and commenting.

  6. Congratulations on your new release! I remember you mentioning you were writing a novel featuring the St. Valentine's Day Massacre. Living in Chicagoland, I've always been interested in the massacre and have read and seen much about it and other gangland activity from that era. I can't image the research involved in writing this! This looks like a departure from your usual genre and I know how daunting that can be so I'm wishing you much success.

    1. Patti,

      It is a departure from my 'safe' western romances. I stayed with Chicago history-lite in this story, because, honestly, I'm not as familiar with the Roaring Twenties/Chicago history, but playing around with the 'what-ifs' of history is always fun. I did, however, research diligently to get the weapons, vehicles, slang, clothing, and such as historically appropriate as I could.

      Thanks for commenting. *hugs*

  7. Many congratulations on your new release! What a great concept.

    1. C.A.,

      Thank you. It's a diversion from my usual western romances. Thanks for commenting.

  8. Congratulations, Kaye. Chicago certainly has an exciting history. The St. Valentine's Day Massacre was certainly a huge part of that history. I can't help but remember Heraldo Rivera's documentary and opening the infamous vault that proved to be empty. Bummer!
    I know you probably have something extraordinary for us to read.
    I wish you all the best on your new release.

    1. Sarah,

      I remember Heraldo Rivera opening that vault, too. hahaha What an underwhelming event. Thanks for stopping in.
