Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Happy Halloween!

It’s that time of year again when Summer and Fall straddle the fence.  Some days are in the sweltering 90’s, only to switch to the comfortable 60’s or 70’s within 24 hours (at least out here in northern CA where I’m lucky to be living).  I’m never ready for the transition—change is hard for me—so I’m happy for the gradual adjustment.  Since time flies when you’re having fun, especially as you get older, we decided we should unpack the Halloween decorations this past weekend.  I found some old Halloween costumes that I might need to revive.

Me as Madonna and my friend, Ben, as Prince circa 2000 (??).

Once we get all the pumpkins bought and decorations in place, we might even have a small party this year in the back yard.  Last year was a bust due to the pandemic, although we were able to pass out candy in bags in the front yard.

This year, I might even bring back the wine and candy pairing—a popular activity for Halloween in wine country.  Last year, we went to a formal tasting with candy pairing at a winery.  

Although it was nice to have it done for us, I enjoy doing my own.  Here are a few favorites:

A combination of two of my favorites, although I understand candy corns are a polarizing treat in the Halloween world.  

Or for something a little more substantial—peanut butter and buttery Chardonnay.

And now for something red and fruity.

What’s your favorite wine and candy pairing?  Favorite Halloween candy?  Favorite Fall tradition?


Angela Crider Neary is an attorney by day and writer by night. She is an avid mystery reader and especially enjoys reading novels set in interesting locales. She was inspired to write her first mystery novella, Li'l Tom and the Pussyfoot Detective Bureau: The Case of the Parrots Desaparecidos, by one of her favorite areas in San Francisco, Telegraph Hill.  Her second book, Li'l Tom and the Case of the New Year Dragon is now available.  To learn more, visit her on Facebook and Amazon.


  1. My favorite Halloween candy was my Maw Maw Martin's homemade popcorn balls. I would trade my youngest brother nearly all my candy fir his popcorn ball. I have made them over the years but they just don't seem the same. Favorite costume is easy. A cowgirl. Wait! It wasn't a costume! Silly Texas me!

    1. Ha! Popcorn balls sound great. I love popcorn! Not many homemade treats offered these days, unfortunately.

  2. Pecan logs are my favorite, but they seemed to have disappeared from the marketplace now. Kit Kats are my favorites now, so trick-or-treaters beware, there may not be any Kit Kats in the candy mix I hand out. Just sayin'...
    I enjoyed this delightful blog and loved the pictures.

    1. Thank you, Sarah! I remember pecan log rolls from Stucky’s. I wonder if they are the same. My husband eats all the Kit Kats from our mixes!

  3. I'm guilty, too, of picking out my favorite candy bar from the boxes I buy for Halloween, Mr.Big has been my favorite since I first tasted it when I was 18 and that was many years ago, plus I kinda hang onto the Coffee Crisp ones, too What a fun blog. Love the photos and wine/candy combos.

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth! We are still eating leftover Halloween candy halfway into December! No need for Christmas cookies this year.

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