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Friday, September 6, 2019

Office Space

I'm so excited! Why? I finally have my own office!

When we moved to this house a couple of years ago, I planned to turn the loft outside of the master bedroom into my writing nook but that didn't pan out. I quickly realized that wasn't going to work because the loft is exposed to all of the noise in the house and sound is my nemesis - I need quiet to write.

So, as an alternative, I decided the basement would become my writing space. The basement was better than nothing but still left a lot to be desired. During the winter months the basement is cold and being surrounded by the stacks of boxes I still needed to go through was less than relaxing but I made it work.

However, about the time we left for our road trip (see my post from last month HERE) inspiration struck. I realized if we rearranged a few things, I could use one of the spare bedrooms as my office. Why had I not thought of this before? *facepalm* Once we got back we enlisted the help of our youngest son, rearranged some furniture, and voila - an office was born. It's still a work in progress but I've had a blast decorating with items that are special to me.

Let me give you a tour:

This is one of the best gifts I have ever received - a customized sign made from old license plates! (If you are interested in getting one of your own, they are available from CMR Designs on Etsy.)

During the last few months of her life, my mama discovered adult coloring books. After mama's death, my oldest sister gifted us with "memory pillows" made from some of mama's shirts and some of the pages she colored. I chose this page to frame and hang in my office:

I love opossums and follow Gilbert Opossom on Facebook. My hubby surprised me with original artwork by Gilbert (complete with tail swooshes) last Christmas so it now adorns my office wall, right next to the picture above.

I love all things cow so this picture that I found at a thrift shop and a tile given to me by a friend now share wall space:

Daisies are my favorite flower and I found this gem in a cute little store in Kalispell, Montana.

Our house was built in 1979 and I'm pretty sure the wallpaper on the "accent wall" in my office is original. However, instead of the dated wallpaper being a nuisance, I actually kind of love it - especially since I'm currently working on a historical western romance. This wallpaper sets the mood perfectly, LOL. (I also didn't realize just how well the daisy would go with the wallpaper.)

So, until next month, if you need me, I'll be over here doing twirls worthy of Julie Andrews in the Sound of Music and enjoying my new office space.

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  1. An office for a writer is essential, but all too often the needs of others takes over and we end up officeless (not really a word, I'm sure.) I am so happy for you that you finally got to have an office of your very own. A cold basement would have been less than ideal.
    But my favorite part of your post was the way in which you used personal items to decorate your special place. I know what it's like to lose a mother, so I was so happy to see how you honored her memory with those things that she had made. Loved the license plate with your name on it.
    What a wonderful post, Isabella. I loved it.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Sarah! I'm glad you enjoyed the post.
