Tuesday, December 4, 2018

New Release — Christmas Wishes by Diana Tobin (Men Of Maine Series Book 6)

Quiltmaker Claire Stone and her young daughter, Grace, are newcomers to the small town of Webster, Maine. Erasing the past is something Claire is determined to do, for divorcing her cruel ex-husband was the only solution to save herself and her daughter—and she’s never regretted it. But when she meets handsome Marc Baxter, the attraction is instant, and she begins to realize what she’s missed in life—someone to care for her…someone to care for.

Marc Baxter has come home to his roots, recovering from a nasty divorce and the discovery that his ex-wife had some shocking secrets of her own. Christmas is on the way, and he’s looking forward to opening a clinic with his niece and getting back to practicing medicine again.

When Grace is injured in an accident, Marc’s tender treatment leaves her with a severe case of hero worship—and wishing for a loving father. Claire is grateful to Marc, but her feelings go much deeper than that. Despite her fears of emotional ties, Marc is prepared to do whatever it takes to win Claire over.

But Claire’s controlling ex-husband was a doctor. Can she take a chance on another “professional” man who’s used to making the decisions in life? Marc says he loves her, but can he respect her and treat her as a life partner? Is there any hope for a Yuletide miracle that will see all their CHRISTMAS WISHES come true?


     Claire sipped her pumpkin spiced coffee and licked a drop of whipped cream from her upper lip. She should be home, starting the mayor’s quilt, but couldn’t face an empty house. Instead, she came to Moose-ley Coffee and treated herself to an afternoon snack. Even though she sat alone at one of the small tables she didn’t feel alone with the few others in the cafe. The atmosphere was welcoming and friendly.
     Grace would enjoy a hot chocolate. Maybe she’d remain in the coffee shop until school let out, order a snack for her daughter, and they could go home together.
     “Mind if I join you for a moment?”
     She looked up to find a stranger beside her table, his hand on the chair opposite hers. His dark brown hair looked wind- tossed with a lock hanging down his brow. His blue eyes pierced her with an intensity filled with sadness. Scruff covered his square jaw and outlined his full lips.



  1. Sounds like a fun read, Diana. Best of luck with this new book.

  2. Di, I love your Men of Maine series! This story was no exception. I always love how you incorporate characters from the previous stories into the current one! Holiday stories are just the best.

    1. A special thank you to you and Livia for giving me a chance... and for liking each one I come up with.

  3. Diana, congratulations on your release. Sounds wonderful as I love Maine, stories with hunky doctors and this one is a must. Wishing you much success.

  4. Beverly, thank you. Hope you enjoy it. Maine is a special place!

  5. Congratulations, Diana! Christmas Wishes looks positively sensational. The hero certainly sounds dreamy and the location, excellent.
    All the best...

  6. Thanks, Sarah! I'm thinking we should be trading books. ;)

  7. Congratulations, Diana. What are your series plans? This is Number 6...???
