Have you ever noticed when you click on a book link on
Amazon when you are not signed into your account, the URL, or web address is
different than it is when you are signed into your account? That is because
after Amazon lists all the pertinent information about your book, it adds on
information they use for their own records. As in, TRACKING. In other words, most of us unwittingly leave little bread
crumbs that can tell Amazon all kinds of information useful to them.
Was the book purchased as a result of a search? If it
was, it will have the information tacked onto the end of the basic URL (web
address). Example: ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1455387641&sr=1-1&keywords=Love%2C+come+to+me
Was the book purchased as a result of you finding it on the
author’s Amazon author page? Example:
Was the book purchased after you clicked on a widget
embedded in a blog post or website page? Example: ref=as_sl_pc_ss_til?tag=httpliviajwac-20&linkCode=w01&linkId=OMKOSSXT5XEDMDHP&creativeASIN=B01AOVVLZ2
Here is the big picture. The following are the Amazon links for
the same book, Love, Come to Me, a boxed set of five novels in which you will
find my novel, Family Secrets. First, I need to explain that I order all my
books under my real name, Robyn Echols. I have an Amazon account for Zina
Abbott, but I do not have billing information set up on it.
- The first link for the book is from widget on the Fire
Star Press release announcement blog dated January 19, 2016. You can reach
it by clicking HERE.
- The second link is from a title search while I’m signed into my Zina Abbott
account on Amazon.
- The third link is from a title search while I’m signed into
my Robyn Echols account on Amazon.
- The fourth link is from a title search when
I am not signed into any account on Amazon.
- The last link is from my Zina
Abbott Author Page.
You will notice that everything up through the highlighted
letters in green are the same. After that, Amazon’s tracking information
begins, including a time and date stamp embedded in the highlighted letters in
Let’s take a look at that widget from the Fire Star Press
blog: Note how the information after the highlighted green numbers includes
more information than on any other link.
Why should we care about that tracking information? One
possible concern about the bread crumbs being out there is the Amazon book
review “police.” Amazon is cracking down on reviews of our books by those they
can identify as close friends or fellow authors. They are also trying to discover who we have sent a book link to in order to solicit a book review. The tracking information gives
them another tool for identifying who those people are to us.

As authors, part of our promotional efforts is sharing
those links on blog posts, websites, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and
other media sites. Many of us grab that link when our book first comes out and
save it to a Word document. Then, each time we put together a promotional
effort, rather than look up the link on Amazon each time, we copy and paste
from our Word document. (For more information about putting together online
media kits, click HERE.)
The only problem with that is, from the information embedded in the full Amazon
book link, Amazon can tell if the link being used to purchase the book was a
recent book search or one from years and months ago. And, who but the author
who, in the minds of the Amazon book review "police," are soliciting book reviews as well as sales, would send a
book link with a really old time and date stamp? If that purchaser turns around
and does leave a book review, then that old time and date stamp on the book
link could trigger Amazon to take a closer look at the review in order to
determine if they should accept or delete it.
That whole scenario can be eliminated one of two ways.
First, use Bitly shortened links. The one problem (or not…) with them is they
are not consistent. I obtained a Bitly link for the five links above for the very same book. Not a one of them is the same. They
look like this:
The other big problem with Bitly links is that they
degrade over time. The Bitly link may be good for a month or two or three, but a year from now—who knows? Many book promotion sites will not accept Bitly
links for that very reason.
There is an alternative. Look at the highlighted number
in green on the Amazon links. Notice how on all the links, the information up
through that number is basically the same. That number that I changed to green
and highlighted is like an ISBN number for the book. It is unique to that book,
and will not change as long as the same book is listed on Amazon without a break.
Look at the data after the highlighted numbers in green.
That is all tracking information and is
not necessary. It may be deleted. Copy and
paste the following link into a new browser window and see where it takes you: http://www.amazon.com/Love-Come-Me-Boxed-Adults-ebook/dp/B01AOVVLZ2
About those bitly links. Yes, they sure are handy when it
comes to tweets and a host of other sharing. But, you can get away from their
unreliability by creating your own shortened Amazon link. Once again, copy and
paste this into a new browser window and see where it takes you: http://amzn.com/B01AOVVLZ2
Bitly links are slightly shorter, and you may prefer
to use them. However, for only a few characters more, you may wish to save and
use your customized shortened Amazon link—without the bread crumbs attached that
tells Amazon what date and time and where it came from.
Zina Abbott is the pen name used by Robyn Echols for her
historical novels. Her novel, Family Secrets, was published by
Fire Star Press, and is now included in Love, Come to Me.
Sweep away those
Amazon bread crumbs with SHORT LINKS
http://bit.ly/1OjTV6U @ZinaAbbott #FireStarPress